Founder Formula Podcast featuring Morpheus Data

By: Brad Parks

Every now and then an opportunity comes around to step outside of your day-to-day role and look at things from a different angle. Just this week, I spent an hour with somebody coming out of school to talk about all the possible job paths that all related to an IT degree; it was fun to put some of my experience to use in a different way.

Along those same lines, our own Morpheus co-founder Brian Wheeler recently stepped out of his day-to-day and was a guest on ‘The Founder Formula‘, a podcast hosted by Trace3… one of our longest-standing and best-performing channel partners. The Founder Formula brings you in’behind the curtains and inside the minds of executives at Start-ups that have traditionally only been found in Silicon Valley’and the Venture Capital Firms that fund them. Each interview will feature a transformative leader who’s behind the wheel at a fast-paced & innovative tech firm.

If you take the time to listen you might learn a bit about what makes Morpheus different than most startups. We were born out of necessity inside a transformation team that constantly was asked to improve the tech stacks at dozens of companies inside the Bertram Capital portfolio. Give it a listen and check out some of the other interesting sessions they’ve had over the years.

Episode 29: The Founder FormulaBrian Wheeler, Morpheus Data
Why would you launch a company when you’re already working at your dream job? If you’re Brian Wheeler, the answer is simple: you can stay a partner at your dream job, while also able to Branch out and launch a new company. It was a win/win. On this episode of The Founder Formula, we talk to Brian, who is a partner at Bertram Capital, and the co-founder of Morpheus Data, all about:

  • Why he took the leap and launched a company while working at his dream job.
  • The journey from creating an idea, to making that idea a reality.
  • Why you MUST be willing to put your own money into your idea.
  • Why there are SO many smart people in Colorado.

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