Granular Task and Workflow Permissions

By: Morpheus Data

Ensuring that users are granted the appropriate level of access to accomplish their job can be a difficult task. This becomes even more important when the goal is to enable them to be self-sufficient via a self-service platform like Morpheus. The 5.5.2 release of the Morpheus platform has added support for new permissions to help meet this goal. This update enables Morpheus administrators to define granular task and workflow permissions.

In this blog post you’ll learn how to configure granular access to automation tasks and workflows.

    New Permissions

    The new permissions allow granular scoping at the individual task or workflow level. Two additional tabs for Workflows and Tasks have been added to the Permissions section of the Morpheus UI. In addition to the UI, the permissions are also available via the REST API.

    Workflow Permissions

    A Workflows tab has been added to the permissions section of the UI. This allows administrators to control access to workflows for user roles. The Default Access setting controls the level of access granted to new workflows that are added to the platform.

    Morpheus workflows permissions

    Task Permissions

    A Tasks tab has been added to the permissions section of the UI. This allows administrators to control access to tasks for user roles. The Default Access setting controls the level of access granted to new tasks that are added to the platform.

    Morpheus tasks permissions

    Role Based Task and Workflow Management

    The new permissions allow teams within the same tenant to create and manage automation without impacting others. The user in example below only has access to 2 of the 5 tasks in the tenant. This was previously not possible as all users with task and workflow access within a single tenant had full access to all tasks and workflows in that tenant. Additionally, the role is automatically granted access to tasks and workflows created by a user associated with that role. As an example, this means the Windows team can add, update, and delete their own tasks and workflows.

    granular task and workflow permissions for single tenant roles

    Self-Service Automation

    The new RBAC permissions enable an administrator to limit the tasks and workflows that are available to a user from the self-service actions menu. The Jenkins Example Task and Puppet Enterprise Manage Package Python tasks in the example below are the only two tasks displayed since those are the only tasks the user has been granted access to.

    granular task and workflow permissions for self-service vm management

    The new granular task and workflow permissions unlock new use cases as well as provide greater security to enable self-service automation across enterprise environments.

    Join the Morpheus Community

    Join the Morpheus community and engage other Morpheus community users to learn more about ways to use the platform. Also, downloading the Morpheus Community Edition lets you fully experience the Morpheus platform including nearly all features and capabilities! Register at Morpheus Hub and try it in your home lab or test environment today!

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