New Features
Form Builder
This release introduced the new form builder feature for creating catalog items. Form builder provides a way to build intricate service catalog request forms using new input types and field groups. Additional input types have been added to forms such as key/value pairs, file content, byte size and more. Field groups enable inputs to be organized into sections on a catalog item to provide an enhanced user experience when filling out the request form.
Configuration Import and Export
Import and export Morpheus configuration such as tasks, workflows, instance types and more to enable configuration as code. The feature supports the ability to integrate with a git repository to push or pull a configure from the git repository. This enables the promotion of configuration from one Morpheus install to another for promoting from dev to prod or completely separate installations.
AWS All Region Support
AWS cloud integrations can now be scoped to all regions in an AWS account instead to just an individual AWS region in the account. This enables the number of cloud integrations to be reduced in scenarios where a single cloud integration for the entire AWS account makes sense from a Morpheus design perspective.
What’s New Webinar
Find out what’s new with 6.2 in this interactive Morpheus Tech Brief webinar with Q&A.
Release Notes
Find out additional release details such as deprecations and upgrade considerations.
Release Cycle Updates
This release of the Morpheus platform introduces a new release cycle aimed at enabling Morpheus customers to receive valuable new features sooner. The schedule now includes the release of two LTS versions each year for customers that desire to stay on an LTS release. The schedule also introduces a regular monthly patching cadence for the Standard release of the Morpheus platform.
Learn more about the updates to the Morpheus release cycle in this KB Article.